Patanjali’s Yoga sutra has describes an eight fold path to right Living, The eight steps basically acts as the highlights that gives us the peaceful and meaningful life. And it also creates the union between the body, mind and spirit. Every Yoga devotee itself an extremely driven and that they have positive perspective.
Every limb has its own ethical importance. Every Yogi must know and follow all the eight limbs which are given below:

YAMA: It deals with the one’s standards, way of living, focusing on our behaviour. Plasticising the Yamas is really healthier and peaceful. It is also believed that Yamas are prevent from the negative vibes and bad karma. Yama is also considered as the External observations. It also deals with the truthfulness and honesty.
Yama is differentiated into five Social Ethics:

Ahimsa: Non-destroying
It is regarded as the guide yogis to practice the kind-heartedness and non-verdict.

Satya: Honesty in words and Actions. Yogis always tell the truth in any situation.

Asteya: Non Stealing
This refers to the taking anything from the person which has not been freely and willingly given.

Some examples of Violating Asteya are as follows:

Taking more than we need. Greediness may leads to the negative vibes and the Bad karma.

No Punctuality :
It refers to the Stealing other peoples time, and always getting late on time.

Talkative :
Talking too much also seems to sometimes horrific and leads to negative vibes.

Bitterness: Wanting something than someone else has, and Always comparing between the others with oneself. After some time it may create the clashes among them.
No freshness: Orderliness, and no proper hygiene.

Brahmacharya: Brahmacharya translates as behaviour which leads to Brahman. It provides the joy, gladness within ourselves.
Aparigraha: It is the virtue of non-possessiveness, non – greediness. Aparigraha is the art of what you needed.

2. NIYAMA:It is the second limb which deals with what you are performing on regular basis in your life such as regularly do meditation, walk in the morning and etc. Niyama basically built a self- confidence and you felt motivated to do the work on daily basis. For kids, going to playschool is the one niyama for them. Niyama is applicable for everyone either it’s a kid, or an old age person. Niyama has to do with self-discipline and spiritual observances.

The five niyamas are as follows –

Saucha: Clearness
It refers to the purity of mind, spirit and body. Saucha is one of the niyama of the Yoga. Saucha is also described in the some Indian context such as Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

Samtosh: The second type of niyama describes the Satisfaction, a practice of uttering thankfulness can help us feel better about the good things we do already in our lives

Tapas: One of the meaning of Tapas is heat, according to the Miller explains that the austerity was thought to produce the heat of Tapas. Tapas has been observed from the daily practices of Yoga’s and meditation. Tapas require self-will.

The Svadhyaya refers to the self-study. Basically Svadhyaya deals with the memorisation and repetition of the mantras and prayers. In modern world, children’s do read and write the same thing again and again which is also a self-practice and enhancing their skills.

Ishvara pranidhan : Dedication towards God
Everyone in this universe may became the follower of any one prescribed God or any unspecified Guru. It could have meant a mentor, guru- student relationship in the world of yoga.

Asana refers to the many postures in which the person stands or sits to do the practice of Yoga. Asana means the stretching and twisting of the body. Asana excites the blood regulation, maintain the oxygen level, and benefits the various systems like: cardiovascular system, joints and etc. Asana can also improve the menstruation cycle. Asana can also reduce the level of anxiety and Nervousness, and asana also releases positive vibes and prevent from the bad karma in lifestyle.

Pranayama is the practice of breath control in the world of Yoga. It is also answerable for our breath control and also regulates the oxygen in our body. In the practice of Pranayama we deliberately inhale, exhale and hold our breath. Pranayama gives you the non-violent and meaningful life.

Benefits of Pranayama:
Improves Sleep quality.
Decrease the blood pressure level
Increase Oxygen level
Decrease Stress.

Pratyahara is the fifth limb of the Patanjali’s eight fold path of Yoga. It describes the withdraw of the senses from the body and the external environment. This yoga practice facilitates the journey into the inner world where there is no flashy noises, no troubles, and no source of advert that might distract us from the world. In this Yoga practice, Yogi may be in the Natural state of mind, there is no contact between the mind and body.

Dharana means “holding”, or “steady flow”. When you practice the Dharana, you are binding the mind to one place, idea or object. Dharana is the initial step of deep meditation, where the object being focused upon and plasticising and it also involves the fixing of mind on a particular object, either internal or external. Extended periods of concentration naturally leads to meditation.
It is the seventh limb of yoga, the meaning of this word Dhyana is “to think of”. This helps us to eliminate unwanted, unpleasant and negative thoughts so that a calm and healthy state of mind is achieved. Dhyana is translated as the deep meditation and a calm state of mind. One can enter the stage of meditation only after gaining deep-concentration. Dhayana is important in the Yoga practice.

The meaning of the Samadhi is “to gather” or “to bring together”. It is the eighth limb of Yoga. Samadhi refers to the process in which the human being chooses to leave his body with full awareness. In Patanjali Yoga Sutra, it’s a state of rest. Samadhi is a type of yogic practice that has taught in the yogic schools or ashrams. Samadhi is a state of consciousness.

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